2.8. Write the protocol: Annotated Tableau dashboard of Scopus data

Duration: 45 min

Overview tuto 2.8


  • Activate your knowledge to analyze a new kind of data
  • Discover scientometric data from Scopus
  • Extract semantic data (words) from abstracts
  • Make a Tableau dashboard
  • Annotate the dashboard
  • Write the protocol


Fake news. This time we situate the case in the academic arena: we will analyze scientific publications.

Fake news


Download these two CSV files:


This is the list of the 1,761 open access academic publications mentionning the term “fake news” in their abstract in the Scopus database.


Take a look at this file in Tableau. Understand its structure, it will help you later on.


Here is what we ask you:

  1. Extract the important terms from the abstracts. It may look like this. You will need this 🍕 notebook.
  2. Make a selection of terms.
  3. With your selection and the list of documents, extract which terms are in which documents.
  4. Visualize the non-network data in Tableau as a dashboard, focusing on time.
  5. Find a data-driven narrative.
    • This narrative depends on your selection, that is why you certainly have to iterate by refining your selection of terms and redoing the steps from point 2. to improve your narrative. You may have to do it several times.
  6. Annotate your dashboard to support a data-driven story.
  7. Write the visual protocol.

Documents produced

Keep somewhere, for sharing, the following documents:

  • The annotated visualization(s) (JPEG or PNG)
  • The visual protocol (JPEG or PNG)

Next activity

Take a short walk before the last activity of the day:

 2.9. Write the protocol: Annotated Scopus author-article network map (45 min)