1.7. Activate your knowledge about Tableau

Duration: 30 min


  • Activate the knowledge you have just acquired
  • Share your work with the other students

Share your annotated timelines

Your teachers will provide a Padlet where you can upload:

  • Your annotated timeline of page views
  • Your annotated timeline of page revisions
  • Your annotated timeline of words

Spend 10 minutes reviewing and commenting on the work of other groups. Have they annotated the same stories as you? Have they made different choices?

Share preliminary ideas for your own project

Spend 20 minutes discussing what kind of timelines you could make for your own atlas. Come up with a list of ideas. What kind of pages could be interesting for you on Wikipedia? If you were building a small multiple of words over time in some of those articles (similar to what you did in tutorial 1.4) then what words could be interesting to follow?

Upload your ideas to the Padlet

Documents produced

Padlet contributions

Next tutorial

🥑 Lunch time!

Then this afternoon we discover Gephi:

 1.8. Intro to Gephi & Visualize clusters (45 min)