Google Images + Clarifai tags

What is this tool?

When you type a query in Google Image, you get a list of images. This tool allows you downloading this list for any number of queries. And for each image on the list, it adds data from an image recognition service named Clarifai. The Clarifai data uses machine learning to identify elements of the picture: objects, but also faces and their demographic attributes.

The tool requires a setup process, but once it is done the data can be gathered in one click. The setup can be fully done in this page. It requires you get a Clarifai API key, a personal identifier that allows you to get data from the Clarifai service. In the end it generates a bookmarklet: a mini script embedded in a bookmark. To use it, you just have to type your query in a certain page and click on the bookmarklet to download the data.

Setup process

1. Get a Clarifai API Key

Sign up to Clarifai to get your API key. Just follow the instructions. It does not require any payment or card number. But beyond the first 5000 images per month, it will stop working unless you start paying for it.

Why an API key? Clarifai tags your images with machine learning techniques. You send it images via the web and it responds with tags. The "API" is the door to the service: it has both an address and a lock that requires a key. The key is personal, and Clarifai uses it to monitor your use. Indeed the service is only free up to 5000 images a month. This tool knows where the address is, but you need to tell it your key. The resulting bookmarklet will only visible to you, so no one will get your API key. You can go to Clarifai to know how many of your monthly free queries are used.

2. Paste your Clarifai API Key below

3. Generate bookmarklet

How to use

1. Browse to the DMI Google Image Scraper. This tool simplifies the querying of Google Images.

2. Type your query and WAIT. The Image Scraper has documentation but basically, type one or more words in the field Key words (separated by commas) and click on Scrape Images. Then wait until the table has appeared on the bottom of the page. The bookmarklet only works once this table has been generated.

3. Click the bookmarklet and WAIT. When you click on the bookmarklet, it does a series of queries to Clarifai, and it takes time. After a while, once all queries have been answered, it aggregates a file and downloads it. Click on the bookmarklet ONCE and WAIT until the data downloads. It takes time, it is normal. You can look open the Javascript console to take a look at the process.

License: GPL v3.0. Based on DMI Tools, ARTOO, and using the Clarifai API.

Tool by Mathieu Jacomy for the TANT Lab. Fork the source code on GitHub.

This tool was developed through funding received from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under the TInnGO Project, Grant Agreement no. 824349